I've been putting this off for awhile now and I think that today is the best time to share with you about my big life changes.
The first one is ~ My family and I are moving overseas in a few weeks. We're going home to Indonesia, a place where my husband and I were born and raised.
This sudden change isn't really a delightful one, but we believe that this is God's plan. So far, he's been in control and we're on the right track.
If you ask me WHY? well, here's the story.
12 years ago, I came to the United States of America as a student. I went to College here in Lincoln, Nebraska. My husband came a year later. We both have all legal papers. However, those student papers were expired at some points. So, we decided to pursue permanent resident status for both of us. The process began 7 years ago. There were lots of prayers have been said and the answer never came.
In the beginning of this year, we finally got a result, and the answer was a big NO.
My husband and the lawyer decided to appeal the case, then again we have to wait for another year or two.
A few weeks ago, while in the process of renewing his driving license, the DMV officer told him that he can't have a new one...not until he has a real documentation that says he's a legal permanent resident. He called the Immigration office, and his Immigration Officer couldn't help him either. He has to wait until next year when the judge give the verdict for his case.
My lovely husband felt that he's a dead man walking. We all lost hope.
This is when we both decided to just go home for a few years and let the kids meet their grandparents {my parents have never seen them in person since the day they were born} and also learn the culture.
After all...we realized that this isn't a bad idea at all. But as a human, I'm all scared, excited, and frustrated.
I hope this personal matter answers the big WHY question.
Here's an image of the world map.
We leave Lincoln, Nebraska, to Los Angles, California. Flying out from LAX to Taipe, Taiwan. From Taipe we fly to Surabaya, Indonesia, to meet my parents. From Surabaya we're gonna go to Bali, where we eventually will live.
No jobs waiting for us. No house. No car. Nothing. Our lives will start all over again with 2 kids. Scary? I'm terrified.
Im trying my best to stay positive and have faith. Trying to be strong for my husband, and be patient for my kids.
Well...enough for that....my tears are falling down uncontrollable. :D
The Second Change ~ will be this blog. I LOVE blogging..and am trying my best to keep up with it. A couple of months ago, I decided to make changes here, on my blog.
When I started, I dedicated this blog solely for crafting life. Sharing my greatest passion. However, I realized I wanna do more rather than just sharing my crafty works.
So....with all this moving craziness, I will move forward with the vision I have for this blog. You will see more about my personal life and other things. I hope you don't mind...and actually will enjoy it!
Wow...I think I was over exaggerated when I said big life changes. I thought I would have more than 2 changes, but these are the only ones I came up with. Silly me!! but they're big though!!!
I guess this is enough for a day.
Thank you for letting me share and please remember me and my family in your prayers.